Balls Pond Burial Ground - index of burials

Surnames T to Z

NB: There are likely to be errors in the information here. If you find one, or can provide more data on anyone listed here, please

contact Tony Martin-Jones.

Surname Forename(s) Plan
Burial date
904 TALLERMAN Stillborn of P. 870 1892-11-25
905 TOBIAS Caroline Ethel 536 1866-02-04
906 TOBIAS Edmund Myer 480 1866-07-09
907 TOLEDANA Simba 350 1874-12-07
909 VAN PRAAGH Lawrence 913 1896-06-01
910 VAN RAALTE Abraham 230 1894-04-13
908 VAZ Abraham 878 1872-06-16
912 WAAS Michael 591 1862-01-14
913 WALEY Anna Hendelah 339 1889-08-08
914 WALEY Eric Jacobs 832 1863-03-04
915 WALEY Simon Waley 338 1876-01-03
916 WALKER Clara Henrietta 380 1934-01-07
917 WALSH Selig 65 1887-01-20
918 WANDSWORTH Lord 344 1912-02-16
919 WHITMORE Emily 485 1909-01-27
920 WILENKIN Harold 605 1896-06-28
921 WOLF Aaron 442 1872-01-18
922 WOLF Julius E. 368 1876-10-06
923 WOLF Matilda 904 1846-06-21
924 WOOLF Edward 81 1885-05-14
925 WOOLF Frances 30 1884-03-26
926 WOOLF Isabel 365 1876-09-14
927 WOOLF Marie 189 1939-07-05
929 WOOLF Sidney 190 1892-03-16
928 WOOLF Sidney John 550 1878-05-31
930 WUNDELICH Stillborn of Mr 900 1887-03-13
931 XIMEMES Susane 891 1845-05-15

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