Please note the following upgrade. It is a sad fact: As the years pass by we are growing into the senior years and with this in mind, I now have limited somewhat my activities. While still continuing classes or groups from schools for specialised programs, and mentoring selected private students, any of the other activities below are only available in certain cases. By contrast, there is no limit on: Counselling parents and their children. (see below) My special interest is the exceptional, misunderstood, sometimes even eccentric LONER child, especially if living with a single parent. This having been my own situation, and, in the light of adversity, how to obtain some success in life after all, has been the main spring of all my children's activities after I retired in 1980.
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This is a one-off science session for mid- to upper primary grades, one class (or possibly up to two) at any one time. The aim is to introduce to the children some of the fundamentals of electricity and electronics. The material is graded in complexity for ages from around eight to 11 years.
The areas covered are a general introduction into matter and its relation to electric potentials and currents. This is followed by several practical experiments demonstrating how this knowledge relates to applications in real life. Electrical safety is emphasised.
We expect that all children gain some useful knowledge from the session. It is of greatest value, however, for those whose natural aptitude lies in that branch of science/technology. Even a single such session may well guide them toward a more appropriate choice of occupations and hobbies later in life.
For further details I may be contacted by phone 62489036.
in six parts introduces children into the secrets of electricity, associated physics and electronics. It is designed for children around the upper primary grades. We are aiming for a maximum number of six participants per course.
Advanced studies in this area are also available.
Support is available from the NSW Association for G/T Children
Local contac: Phone: (02) 6248 9036
are available for groups of students (up to 12 per course) from upper primary to secondary grades. For further details please click here.
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This page was last updated on 8 May 2007.